
Benjamin and Samaria

Our trips to the West Bank are always particularly interesting. It is an area that is really right next to…

Jerusalem: First Temple and Second Temple Periods

We have a whole day dedicated to Jerusalem in the First Temple period, and a whole day dedicated to Jerusalem…

Nabatean Cities in the Negev

Today’s trip was dedicated to the Nabateans, an ancient people of the Middle East. We don’t know a huge amount…

South Mount Hebron

It’s good to be back! Sadly I had an extended enforced absence due to a bout of glandular fever (that’s…

Jerusalem in the First Temple Period

“If I forget thee, o Jerusalem...” So reads the famous psalm, but you might think that we had forgotten Jerusalem,…

The Biblical Judean Lowlands (Shfela)

After exploring the biblical Negev region on our previous field trip, this week we were staying in the biblical period…

Archaeology of the Biblical Negev

After various introductory field trips we are now at a stage where our weekly excursions are broadly supposed to tie…

The Ancient Sea Road (Via Maris)

It is the day before our weekly field trip and Israel is in the midst of its worst storms for…

The Jordan Valley

As we move into the winter months the Jordan Valley was a welcome itinerary as it is well known for…

The Lower Galil

The green and hilly region of the Galil in the North of Israel is divided into two, largely based on…