
Yad Vashem and Mt Herzl

Today began in a sombre atmosphere as we visited Yad Vashem, Israel’s official museum to the Shoah (the Holocaust). As…

Jerusalem Institutions

An interesting trip today as we visited ‘institutions in Jerusalem’, based around the area of Givat Ram where you can…

Jerusalem: a miscellany

The final trip before our summer break was imaginatively titled “Jerusalem: Hashlamot”. I was trying hard to think of a…

Crusader Jerusalem

We returned to the Old City of Jerusalem, this time to examine the impact of the Crusaders on the Holy…

Christianity in the Judean Hills

After a brief hiatus we returned to the topic of Christianity; this was the final of five field trips exclusively…

Muslim Jerusalem

We have been studying Islam in class of late and so it was time to spend some time in Jerusalem…

Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period

Time for another catch-up trip this time with the group from the university of Haifa. It was an important day…

The Via Dolorosa

Today was dedicated to the final moments in Jesus’ life as he walked along the Via Dolorosa. But before walking…

Christianity on the Mount of Olives and Mount Zion

Following two trips in the footsteps of the New Testament in the Galilee, it was now time to turn to…

Jerusalem: First Temple and Second Temple Periods

We have a whole day dedicated to Jerusalem in the First Temple period, and a whole day dedicated to Jerusalem…